DIY Photo Frames for Spring
As soon as I saw these dollar store frames, I knew I had to buy them because they were a perfect match for the banner I'd made for my daughter's play room.
Since the banner had butterfly detailing, I decided to decorate these with some scrapbook paper and butterfly embellishments that I'd had for a long time wondering what to do with.
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See How I Made the Frames as Well as The Banner They Match
Spring crafting for DIY decor is fun because it's generally the first time since Christmas that it feels like a real injection of color is coming into the home. Adding pops of color here and there instantly creates a warmer feeling even if the weather outside does not yet match.
The dollar store is great for photo frames because they're really cheap which allows you to get creative with them without being afraid of messing them up.
Most of the frames I buy are really inexpensive ones - often I don't like the frame but you can easily change those by adding your own paint techniques over the top or using some spray paint. Decoupage can be fun to try too.
I hope you've enjoyed reading my craftymarie article today, thanks for your visit. Why not get down to your local value store today and see what they have that you can customize to suit your home.
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CraftyMarie is a craft themed website by Marie Williams Johnstone. I love to craft in the winter and garden in the summer. I make handmade cards, papercrafts, crochet and seasonal crafts. I enjoy many of the more traditional crafts and hobbies including sewing, embroidery and working with felt and fabric. Thanks for leaving me a comment. Comments do not show up until I approve them. Marie