Cool Craft Projects for Spring

It took me a really long time to research and put together but this is an awesome page bursting with 50 great spring season craft tutorials and projects that adult crafters can really appreciate.

Find a lot of ideas for things you can make with paper projects, felt, fabric, crochet, cricut, stepping stones, outdoor crafts, fairy gardens, polymer clay, cross stitch and knitting.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links for which I can be compensated. 

See the link below to visit my page. While you're there, you can take part in some very quick polls to give me an idea of what you want to see more of so I get a better idea of the type of projects to highlight in future.

Visit My 50 Spring Crafts Page Here

Right now I'm getting stuck into some of the cute butterfly ideas highlighted on the page. I've recently taken up crochet - I could knit from an early age but crochet passed me by.

I am slowly getting the hang of different stitches so I hope to be able to make some of the butterfly and flower designs soon which will make fab decorations for my handmade cards.

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