Making Fused Bead Keychains

Making pixel patterns and designs out of fused beads is one thing but actually turning the completed patterns into something functional and even useful like a keychain or key ring is even better because then you have something to give away as a gift.

Learn how to make keychains from your finished fused bead patterns and designs. This technique works for most popular ranges of fused beads including Hama and Perler. It's great to be able to turn your finished pieces or your kids finished designs into something practical.

Keychains are easy for adult crafters to make providing you know what tools and equipment to use. These are great to make as party favors, stocking stuffers and fillers and small gifts. And the same techniques can be applied to turn other items into key chains too.

➡️ Learn how to Make Keychains with Finished Fused Bead Projects Here

On my tutorial page which is shown above you'll find an in-depth run down of the tools and materials that you'll need as well as a step by step on how it all works.

You can also apply these techniques to make other items such as bag charms to hang off wallets, handbags and rucksacks as unique handmade decorations.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my craftymarie article today, thanks for your visit. Pop by again for more on fun fused bead projects.

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