Clever and Cool Clover Pom Pom Maker

With my daughter's birthday party fast approaching, I looked for a quick and easy way to make up lots of pom poms for hanging garlands to string around the home and to decorate other fun decor on the day.

I've made plenty of these fluffy little yarn balls in the past and I know just what a pain it can be to wrap around bits of cardboard or a fork. I've even tried wrapping around chair legs as a supposedly faster way of making lots of these in one go.

So I was on the look-out for something that really would be quicker and easier to use. Fast-forward to finding the Clover pom pom makers. Here's what I think to this little craft gadget.

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My Review of the Clever Clover Pom Pom Maker Gadget

Cool Clover Pom Pom Maker

Quick Yarn and Fabric Decorations Can be Ever so Easy with a Gadget to Help

Since I've already bought plenty of Clover items before, mainly for crochet, I've come to trust this as a pretty good brand name. However, even so, I was still somewhat skeptical. Luckily that didn't last long as I put their pom pom making product to the test.

Clover pom pom maker green blue packet front back design

Image Credit: photo belongs to the author.

The worst part of this product is unfortunately the instructions which are virtually non-existent except for a few little photos on the packaging which are small and hard to see.

When I first got my pom pom makers, they normally come in sets of 2 sizes, I was left wondering exactly how the plastic shapes worked and I really did not know exactly how it was that you used them.

Well luckily I did manage to work it out. You'll find the link to my detailed instructions on using these HERE so you can save yourself a lot of time.

Clover Large Pom Pom MakerClover Large Pom Pom Maker

I wish I'd had a photo tutorial to follow when I got mine through the post. Anyway, once I cracked the process, I found it amazingly easy to make great looking pom poms up super fast. I must warn you that it can be super addictive to make them once you start.

It really is a case of wrap, cut, tie and TA DA - POM POMS!

You can purchase different sizes of these makers, so you can pick out the sizes that you're most likely to use in your crafting. I went for the large pack first (shown in my image above) which suited me better but I've since collected the smaller sizes too.

The large pack makes approx finished sizes of 2 1/2 and 3 3/8 Inch and I also feel that these make nicer finished products than the makers in the smaller pack.

You can get smaller or larger versions to suit your needs and there is even an extra large version and a heart shaped one available too although that can be a little harder to get hold of.

They are very well made of tough plastic and because you have two separate 'arms' to extend out and wrap with yarn, it opens up lots of possibilities for your color choices as well as making it very easy to get the yarn onto the maker quickly.

Adventures in Pompom Land: 25 Cute Projects Made from Handmade PompomsAdventures in Pompom Land: 25 Cute Projects Made from Handmade Pompoms

It is so easy that my then six year old daughter had no problems using it at all - in fact I had a job getting her to stop using it. As far as I'm concerned, there's no easier way to make professional looking versions of these wonderful little yarn accessories for your knitting, crochet and home decor projects.

Variegated or color change yarn is really fun to make these with because you never quite know what you're going to get with the finished item.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my craftymarie article today, thanks for your visit. I like to make some of these color change versions when adding them to a project with matching solid colors just to break up how the finished result actually looks.

You can also make pom poms with different strips of fabric like tulle and satin. You can see my how to make these from fabric tutorial below as well. So don't feel like you are restricted to using yarn. Have fun making these up.

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