Making Valentine Paper Envelopes

Little love notes can be even more fun for occasions like Valentine's Day if they are folded into a unique envelope design like this one with a heart shaped front and an elegant ribbon tie clasp. 

My Complete Photo Tutorial on Folding a Heart Envelope takes you through step by step on how to make this rather special looking origami design.

All you need is a square piece of paper. A double sided paper is best and this will have one side that is colored differently to the other.

Making Paper Envelopes for Valentine's Day

I opted for a patterned dark red scrapbook paper cut out to a large square size. The paper was plain white on the other side. White is a good choice of color for an envelope design. While red is a great color for the completed heart.

Having contrasting colors on each side of the paper means that the heart shape stands out more prominently once you've made it.

Make this design up in just several rather easy steps. After this you can pop your heartfelt message inside and gift to your loved on for a sweet Valentine or an I Love You message.

Use this romantic gesture on a fitting occasion like an anniversary, Wedding, engagement or a just because moment.

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